德国赛克姆有限公司是一家提供商务解决方案的咨询公司,拥有多项大型跨国业务,专注于工业,汽车配件,消费品和零售等各项领域。公司的核心竞争力在于为企业的客户关系管理,企业资源计划, 供应商关系管理以及供应链管理等提供咨询和解决方案。公司致力于为客户提供所需的各种咨询服务,从策略谋划,组织机构,设计工艺到技术和系统整合无所不包。
德国赛克姆有限公司已成为SAP联合服务队的成员。更重要的是,针对SAP供应链执行,该公司拥有与SAP特别专家组的伙伴关系。公司在SAP协同化电子商务中为物流服务供应商提供解决方案。其为物流供应商设计的SERKEM A1-LDL 产品为客户提供了快速开发解决方案的可能性,以达到实现快速投资回报的目的。该公司基于SOA企业设计的简化的解决方案极大地方便了终端用户的使用,为使用该方案的客户提高了整体价值。
为客户提供完整的解决方案是德国赛克姆有限公司的主要目标。该公司的产品已涵盖了稳定的服务性软件产品(咨询,教育, 编程,热线服务),硬件和网络产品。其庞大的商务伙伴关系网有助于为您提供随时随地所需的高质量服务。
We are your Contact Person for:
SERKEM Concept & Approach
SERKEM Philosophy
Solidarity, consistency, long-term orientation and loyalty are important for us- based on our independency from third parties. We are completely self-financed. We haven´t made use of business development so far. Our aim is to show a liquidity between 3 and 6 Million €, which can complemented with unused credit lines to cover the liquidity needs. The credit reform rates the validity in high areas and certifies SERKEM for “very good credit rating”. In addition, we invest about 1 Million € in our locations, employees, our growth and finally in our region. Thereby, we create the basis for being a long-term, steady and reliable partner for our customers and employees.
As the biggest regional provider of jobs in the area of SAP-Consulting as well as high-quality IT-jobs for university graduates, we offer people from the region a safe workplace. From this place, we go to well-known companies all over the world. Whether Europe, America or China, we are always a reliable partner wherever the customer needs us.
We maintain the community in our company. Communication takes place directly, not online. We talk to each other personally, whether by a cup of coffee or during lunchtime. Our employees work together in a team on projects with customers at home and abroad. Every employee has its own workplace and spends most of the working time at one location of our company. All of these aspects give us the possibility to maintain the community in the future.
We work together with local schools and universities and support young people from the region, whether as company training center or in regards to internships and work-study jobs. We make the entry in working life possible, especially for graduates from bachelor- or master studies, the EDV-school in Plattling or the University of Cooperation Education in Passau. At the same time, we continue to train well in excess of our own needs. This is how we make our contribution to the younger generation for qualified employees and also for sustainability of our region.
Our constant, organic growth offers our employees extensive promotion opportunities. Activities at the customer and in the company are in a balanced relation. Every staff member has its own workplace but there is also the option to work from home. With a cafeteria and social rooms, we offer our employees a working environment with ambience. We celebrate our effort regularly, whether at the Christmas party, the company party at the “Eginger Volksfest” or at the numerous birthday parties in the company.
At the same time, we pay attention to our region. Protection of the environment and sustainability is self-evident for us. Our own photovoltaic system to produce electricity covers more than is needed by the company. The lost heat of the data center is converted into heat energy by heat pumps. Car pools for the way to work are actively forstered. The in-house electric filling station, whose power is created by the own photovoltaic system, is available for employees as well as for customers. In addition, hybrid vehicles are used as company cars. This is how we constantly support the protection of the environment in our region.